Template Design

This part of the documentation covers the structural elements of Shoop’s default templates and instructs you on how to create your own customized templates.

To be able to create customized templates you’ll need to have understanding of the principles of HTML and CSS.

If you would like to start creating your own customized templates with these instructions you should already have a working Shoop installation with the default frontend theme up and running. If not, you can start by reading Getting Started guide.

Shoop’s default frontend theme

Shoop’s frontend templates are written with Jinja2 which is a templating engine for Python very similar to Django’s templates.

The default frontend theme uses the Bootstrap 3 framework, which consists of Bootstrap’s HTML structure and Bootstrap specified CSS classes. If you want to create your own templates, it would require using Bootstrap 3 or overwriting all the template files with your custom HTML structure and HTML classes.

Shoop’s template files are easy to modify and basic knowledge of HTML and CSS takes you far. Shoop’s frontend and the default theme already include the necessary template tags to print out all the features a basic shop would need. It is fairly simple to add your custom HTML elements around template tags and customize your shop to your needs.

Template folder structure

Shoop utilizes a similar folder structure for all the templates in different apps. All the template files are always included in the app folder shoop/APP/templates/.

Within this template folder the folder structure is: APP/MODULE/TEMPLATE.jinja. For example, this could be converted into shoop/product/detail.jinja

The default frontend theme can be found in shoop/front/apps/default_theme/.


The Simple CMS module has a template to show pages created with it. This page.jinja template can be found under the Simple CMS template folder: shoop/simple_cms/templates/ where the path to the template file is shoop/simple_cms/page.jinja.

Other default features such as user authentication, customer info, order history, registration and search etc. can be found in their own application templates under shoop/front/apps/. Each app has it’s own template folder containing application specific templates.

Templates have been split into separate files and each file has its own purpose. Template files inherit the base layout from shoop/base.jinja.


General template files can be found under shoop/front/templates/

Base shoop/front/base.jinja
Defines the structure of your templates. It includes the <html>, <head> and <body> tags, and the general structure of all frontend pages (unless explicitly overridden).
Index shoop/front/index.jinja
Your shop’s home page.
Macros shoop/front/macros.jinja
Additional template macros that can be used in other template files. For example single product box is rendered with a macro, where it can be called with customized parameters. Also form fields, alerts and order details can be generated with macros.
Includes shoop/front/includes/
Additional HTML that can be included in pages. In the default frontend theme all the included filenames start with _. All navigation related HTML and template tags are included to base.jinja and for example you could create a _footer.jinja to be included if needed.

Products and Categories

Product and category templates can be found under shoop/front/templates/

Detail shoop/front/product/detail.jinja
The view for a single product. Displays a product and its details. The file uses template tags to include product attributes and ordering sections.
Category shoop/front/product/category.jinja
A view for a single category. This template lists all the products of the selected category.

Shopping basket

All shopping basket related templates go in the shoop/front/templates/shoop/front/basket folder. This includes the default structure of the shopping basket and additional shopping basket elements.

The default shopping basket template also includes the ordering form. This does not apply to shops using multi-phase checkout.

Default Basket shoop/front/basket/default_basket.jinja
The structure of shopping basket. It includes the shopping basket’s contents as a table from a separate file in the partials folder. The ordering form is also displayed in this file.


Order related templates can be found in shoop/front/templates/shoop/front/order/.

Complete shoop/front/order/complete.jinja
Displays the order success message and details of the order.
Payment Canceled shoop/front/order/payment_canceled.jinja
Template for displaying payment cancellation.


Authentication through the Shoop Front is another sub-app. Its templates can be found in its own folder: shoop/front/apps/auth/templates/shoop/user/

Login and Logout
Templates for login form and logout message pages.
Password Recovery
Password recovery process including the templates for shop and e-mail.


Registration is another sub-app. Its templates can be found in: shoop/front/apps/registration/templates

Registration Form shoop/registration/register.jinja
Registration form template for new users.
Activation Failed shoop/registration/activation_failed.jinja
A template for displaying an error message when account activation fails.

Customer Information

Customer information is another sub-app. Its templates can be found in: shoop/front/apps/customer_information/templates/

Edit shoop/customer_information/edit.jinja
Template for editing customer details.

Personal Order History

Personal Order History, another sub-app, naturally has its templates in its own folder. shoop/front/apps/personal_order_history/templates/

Order Detail shoop/personal_order_history/order_detail.jinja
Template for displaying single order’s details.
Order List shoop/personal_order_history/order_list.jinja
Template for listing all the previous personal orders.

Custom Template Helper Functions

This paragraph explains how to register template functions in Shoop’s sub-apps. If you are interested in Jinja2‘s way to do it, please refer to the Jinja2 documentation.

The AppConfig

The front_template_helper_namespace category in the provides dictionary tells the framework that there are template helper functions to be found in the namespace class (TemplateHelper) given.

For more information about provides please refer to the documentation

The TemplateHelper class

This class contains all the functions that the are exposed for frontend templates.

Using helpers in a template

The template helpers can be used in templates with shoop.<module_name>.<TemplateHelper::method>(). For example shoop.my_module.get_day_names().

Static files

Static files such as images, stylesheets and scripts go under the static folder, using the Django staticfiles framework <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/static-files/>.

You can access static data files in templates by using the {{ static() }} function. For example, if you have img/image.jpg in your static files, generating a src for an <img> tag would be as easy as <img src="{{ static(img/image.jpg") }}">.

Creating custom templates

You may either derive your own theme from the default theme, or write your own from scratch.

The basic principle of deriving custom Shoop templates is not to modify the original files (default frontend themes) within the app directory, but to copy them into to your own application’s template directory. If your own application is listed before shoop.front (and/or other theme apps) in Django’s INSTALLED_APPS configuration, Django will prefer your templates over others with the same path.

This means it is possible to overwrite only some of the default files or all of them. If there is no customized template with the same path and filename, Django will use the default file instead.

All the template files that you want to customize go under your application’s template folder in the same folder hierarchy as under the original app’s templates folder. The folder hierarchy for frontend templates was discussed earlier in this document.


Let’s say you only would like to make a customized home page for your shop, but leave all other templates as they are. Let’s call your application myshop.

Simply copy index.jinja from shoop/front/templates/shoop/index.jinja to your application’s template folder myshop/templates/shoop/index.jinja, then modify it to your heart’s content.

Now let’s say you want to tweak the product category view too.

Copy shoop/front/templates/shoop/product/category.jinja to myshop/templates/shoop/product/category.jinja, then start modifying. As you can see, the template directory structure within your myshop application reflects the one in the original app.