Getting Started with Shoop Development


If you are planning on using Shoop for developing your own shop, read the other Getting Started guide instead.

Installation for Shoop Development

To start developing Shoop, you’ll need a Git checkout of Shoop and a Github fork of Shoop for creating pull requests. Github pull requests are used to get your changes into Shoop Base.

  1. If you haven’t done so already, create a fork of Shoop in Github by clicking the “Fork” button at and clone the fork to your computer as usual. See Github Help about forking repos for details.

  2. Setup a virtualenv and activate it. You may use the traditional virtualenv command, or the newer python -m venv if you’re using Python 3. See Virtualenv User Guide, if you don’t know virtualenv already. For example, following commands create and activate a virtualenv in Linux:

    virtualenv shoop-venv
    . shoop-venv/bin/activate
  3. Finally, you’ll need to install Shoop in the activated virtualenv in development mode. To do that, run the following commands in the root of the checkout (within the activated virtualenv):

    pip install -e .
    python build_resources

Workbench, the built-in test project

The Workbench project in the repository is a self-contained Django project set up to use an SQLite database. It is used by the test suite and is also useful for development on its own.

Practically the only difference to a normal Django project is that instead of python, one uses python -m shoop_workbench.

To get started with Workbench, invoke the following in the Shoop working copy root.

# Migrate database.
python -m shoop_workbench migrate

# Import some basic data.
python -m shoop_workbench shoop_populate_mock --with-superuser=admin

# Run the Django development server (on port 8000 by default).
python -m shoop_workbench runserver

You can use the credentials admin/admin, that is username admin and password admin to log in as a superuser on .

Building resources

Shoop uses JavaScript and CSS resources that are compiled using various Node.js packages. These resources are compiled automatically by when installing Shoop with pip, but if you make changes to the source files (e.g. under shoop/admin/static_src), the resources have to be rebuilt.

This can be done with

python build_resources

The command also accepts couple arguments, see its help for more details:

python build_resources --help

Running tests

To run tests in the active virtualenv:

py.test -v shoop_tests
# Or with coverage
py.test -vvv --cov shoop --cov-report html shoop_tests

To run tests for all supported Python versions run:

pip install tox  # To install tox, needed just once

Docstring coverage

The DocCov script is included for calculating some documentation coverage metrics.

python _misc/ shoop/core -o doccov.html