
Shoop contains facilities for installing, detecting, loading and configuring additional functionality with little or no system administration knowledge needed. Packages that can be loaded in this way are called Addons. Addons aren’t very special, though: under the surface they are nothing more than standard Django applications that are discovered using the Setuptools Entry Points mechanism. Functionality registration after this occurs via the Shoop Provides subsystem.

Configuring your project to load addons

The Shoop addon manager handles adding addons into Django’s INSTALLED_APPS list during project initialization time.

It’s easy to convert a standard Django configuration to be addons enabled.

For instance, take a bare-bones Shoop core installation.


The management interface for the addon loader requires one additional configuration key, SHOOP_ENABLED_ADDONS_FILE, to name a path to a configuration file that is writable by the application server.

The shoop.addons.add_enabled_addons() method manages reading this file, cross-referencing them with the entry points published by Setuptools and adding them into the installed apps list.

Putting this all together,

from shoop.addons import add_enabled_addons

# *snip*

# This varies depending on how your particular project arranges writable files.
SHOOP_ENABLED_ADDONS_FILE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "enabled_addons")


# *snip*

will enable your project to load Shoop addons.

Installing and configuring addons

Once shoop.addons is in your INSTALLED_APPS list, a section for managing addons appears in the administration panel.

Developing addons

As discussed before, addons are simply Django applications with a Setuptools entry_points stanza in

This means addon development doesn’t require any special steps; just adding the new application to a test project’s (such as Workbench’s) INSTALLED_APPS is enough to get you running.

Preparing addons for distribution

When the time comes to actually distribute your new addon, configure your package according to the PyPUG guidelines and within the entry_points section add a shoop.addon entry point stanza, such as this (example taken from the shoop-pugme addon):

    # ...
    entry_points={"shoop.addon": "shoop_pugme=shoop_pugme"}


It’s recommended you follow the name=name format for the entry point definition. Further iterations of addon discovery may change the format.

With this in your, you can now

  • Use python sdist to create a source distribution for your addon and install it via the administration panel as you would for any old addon.
  • Or run pip install -e . to install the addon in your shop’s virtualenv in editable mode, then enable the addon via the administration panel.

(If you had manually added the application into your INSTALLED_APPS as discussed before, this would be a good time to take it out of there, as otherwise Django will complain about duplicates.)